September 24, 2022: Haftarah – Isaiah 61:10 - 63:9
This week's Haftarah reading is from Isaiah 61:10 - 63:9. Join Dr. Jeffery Myers as he unpacks a very well known Messianic prophecy, taken directly from this passage which was quoted by Yeshua in the Brit Chadasha.
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Lion of Judah Speaks: Haftarah Portion – Isaiah 61:10 - 63:9
In Isaiah 60 we were commanded to “Arise and Shine” in the midst of great darkness coming upon the earth in the last hours. Now, in Isaiah 61:1-2 the very well-known verse speaks to us, “The Spirit of Adonai is upon Me, because Adonai has anointed Me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives’ and freedom to prisoners; to proclaim the favorable year of Adonai and the day of vengeance of our Yah; to comfort all who mourn…” What a calling, a destiny of anointing, a life that He would lead—He will change forever, the afflicted, brokenhearted, captives…they will be healed, wounds will be bound and healed, they will be set free no matter who they are or where they live. This gives us reasons to rejoice, to be glad and be amazed at His great love and mercy. Who is the “Me” in Isaiah 61? This is a Messianic prophecy quoted by Yeshua in the Brit Chadasha… He is our Messiah, Savior, and Redeemer!
Yeshua entered the synagogue and was called upon to read from the Scriptures as was the custom of the day. He spoke these great words with great authority that made all who were there to fix their eyes on Him even after He had finished and sat down. In Luke 4:21-22 he began by saying to them, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing”. Well, that certainly is out of the ordinary, because this was a 700-year prophecy that sat unfulfilled but now has awaken to proclaim that Yeshua was the one spoken about by Isaiah. The truth is there has not been nor will be anyone like Yeshua Ha Mashiach. He is the Messiah who has come to take away the sins of the world and heal us of our weaknesses.
Before Yeshua came there was 400 years of silence in terms of no recognized prophet declaring the will of Adonai. Where was Yah? Why isn’t He speaking? Does He hate us? Does He care about what we are going through, what we are experiencing? BUT THEN…Yah wrapped Himself in humanity, becoming a man! He came and we could hear Him, see Him, and see what He was like. Who did He come for; the poor, afflicted, brokenhearted, captive, the sinner, you and me! Yah became a man and because of Him we would now have joy and thanksgiving, mercy and forgiveness and He would change our hearts and lives. He is not only the Yah of grace but the Yah of comfort!
When Yeshua, in Luke, quoted from Isaiah 61 he purposely left off the end of the sentence “the day of vengeance”. He stopped mid-sentence but why? Because the favorable year had come--He had brought it by His Presence but the day of vengeance had not arrived, it was for another time! Praise Adonai we are still in the year of Adonai but we are drawing closer to the day of vengeance. We see the signs of His 2nd Coming all around us. We are preparing to celebrate the Fall Festivals which point to His 2nd Coming, so how powerful to understand how close “the day” is upon us. But He will be with us, comforting us, walking along side us and His Presence will strengthen us in the good and hard times of our lives.
He is the Yah of the great exchange, granting us beauty for ashes, oil of gladness instead of mourning and the mantle of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Our Adonai cares for us and loves us so much that He changes “way of life” with the “way of His Kingdom”. That we may be changed and He be glorified! This is good news because this is about exchanging what Yah is, for what we are not. Look at II Corinthians 5:21, “Yah made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of Yah in Him.” It is hard to believe and comprehend His love for us. He is the Father of restoration and of rebuilding, He is the repairer of the breach, the Abba of the do over!
We are exchanging our old garments for the garments of salvation…robes of righteousness. What is righteousness and how does Scripture define the word righteousness? The concepts of being clothed in Messiah’s salvation and works of righteousness are found in Torah obedience. In Revelation 19:18 the KJV reads, “for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints, while both the NIV and NAS read “righteous acts” for “righteousness”. What are the righteous acts of His people? John 14:15 says, “If you love Me, you will keep My commands.” Hebrews 12:14 tells us, “Keep pursuing shalom with everyone and the holiness without which no one will see Adonai”. Matthew 5:48 says, “Therefore, be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect”. Just to name a few! So, the conclusion, “Go and do the right thing!”
Adonai has set watchmen upon the wall according to Isaiah 62:6. Who are these watchmen? What is the current state of many of the spiritual watchmen today? Other than guarding the sheep, what are the watchmen to be doing? Jeremiah 6:16-19 tells us we are to be turning Adonai’s people back to the ancient paths of Adonai’s instructions and precepts in righteousness –the Torah!
We are to lift up a “standard”. The Hebrew word for “standard” is “nec” pronounced nace and means “signal pole, banner, ensign, sign or sail”. It generally refers to “rallying point or standard, which drew people together for some common action of for the communication of important information. This usually happened at a high or conspicuous place within the camp or community. There, a signal pole, sometimes with a flag attached, would be raised as a point of focus or object of hope. In Exodus 17:15, we discover that one of Adonai’s covenant names is YHVH-Nissi or YHVH My Banner. Isaiah prophetically declares that Yeshua, the root of Jesse, is our “ensign to the nations”. This “standard” will be lifted up signaling their return to Israel from among the nations. What makes this end-time remnant of Adonai holy (set apart) and redeemed? What is this “standard” or rallying point that Adonai will lift up causing them to return to their land and spiritual roots? Yeshua is His name! The Torah is Who He is!
What is our response to this prophetic message? What should our response be? Isaiah 61:10-11 tells us, “I will rejoice greatly in Adonai, my soul will exult in my Yah; for He has clothed me with garments of salvation, He has wrapped me with a robe of righteousness…”. We don’t need to be alarmed with this world and what it plans to do. We are Adonai’s own elect. We must show our happiness and thankfulness for all He has done for us. Don’t allow the hardness of life, weariness or tiredness to bring a “spirit of heaviness” that weighs you down through prolonged hardships and difficulty. Remember He has given us a new song—A song of praise to our Yah and a garment of praise can replace the spirit of heaviness.
Despite our efforts to keep Adonai out, He intrudes. He enters our life through a door marked, “No entrance” and when He enters, He changes our lives. It is time we let Him exchange what we have for what he can give us. In the last portion of the Haftorah Isaiah 63:8-9 proclaims, “They are indeed My people, children who are not disloyal. So, He became their Savior. In all their troubles He was troubled; then the Angel of His Presence saved them; in His love and pity He redeemed them. He lifted them up and carried them throughout the days of old.”
Shalom Aleichem Mishpocha!
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Have a wonderful Sabbath and an awesome Feast of Trumpets on Sunday and may Adonai watch over you and direct your paths and bless you in the journey!
Shabbat Shalom