February 17, 2024: Haftorah - 1 Kings 5:26-6:13
This week's Haftorah reading is from 1 Kings 5:26-6:13. Join Dr. Jeffery Myers as he presents five main structures that ELOHIM gave to His people by revelation. These divine structures carried a pattern and purpose in their design! We as temples of the Ruach Ha'Kodesh (Holy Spirit), are also called to live our lives in the same manner!
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Lion of Judah Speaks: Haftorah – 1 Kings 5:26-6:13
In I Kings 6:11-13 the Scripture says, “Then the word of Adonai came to Shlomo: Concerning this house which you are building; if you will live according to My regulations, follow My rulings and observe all My mitzvot and live by them, then I will establish with you My promise that I made to David your father – I will live in it among the people of Israel, and I will not abandon My people, Israel.”
The Temple of Elohim, with its detailed description, its furnishings and measurements, sacrificial order, and priestly ministrations can enrich our spiritual life. We need to study and understand the importance and impact the Tabernacle/ Temple had in the lives of Elohim’s people then and now.
The Temple is one of the most neglected portions of Scripture when it comes to study. Yet Romans 15:4 tells us, “Whatsoever things written aforetime were written for our learning.” Solomon’s Temple was a type, a shadow, and prophetic figure and structure of Yeshua, His people, the Heavenly Temple, eternal truths, and ultimately the city of Elohim, New Jerusalem, the eternal habitation of Elohim and His redeemed. When we study the overall revelation of Elohim’s habitations in Scripture, we discover that there are 5 great structures that Elohim gave by revelation to His people.
Four of these are found in the Tanakh, in which Elohim, the Wise Builder involved man in the building thereof. One is found in the Brit Chadasha but the four structures found in the Tanakh are the Ark of Noah, the Tabernacle of Moses, the Tabernacle of David, and the Temple of Solomon.
These divine structures have a pattern and purpose to their design. The Ark of Noah symbolizes the salvation made available by Elohim. The foundation-symbolic of the Father; the Door – symbolic of the Son; the Window – symbolic of the Ruach.
The Tabernacle of Moses with it’s outer court, furnishings, holy place, and Most Holy Place allows us to view Elohim’s character, nature, and order of worship. The Tabernacle of David, entails the order of singing of praise, the order of the musicians around the Ark of Elohim and the worship established in this Tabernacle finds its fulfillment in the Temple built by Solomon. The greatest significance of this fine structure, Temple of Solomon is the embodiment in one structure of all that has gone before. It involves the Ark of Noah, the Tabernacle of Moses, and the Tabernacle of David in its Temple order. What we always see is that Elohim builds upon present truth to be all truth to its fullness in Yeshua.
Because King Solomon reigns over a united and strong kingdom living at peace, he is able to embark upon the building of the Temple of Elohim in Jerusalem.
The purpose of Exodus from Egypt was to receive the Torah and to observe it in Eretz Israel, which includes serving Elohim in the place He chose. The Temple would serve as a focal point for worship of Elohim, by the children of Israel and the rest of the world.
Now in I Kings 6:11-14 we find a promise Elohim makes with Solomon that comes with a commitment and responsibility on the side of the people. It will only be allowed to stand if the Children of Israel serve Him properly. Elohim’s commitment in this verse is not conditional. Elohim’s covenant with His people is eternal BUT He may “hide His face” at certain times in history, but He will never leave His people or allow other nations to flourish in the Promised Land.
Today we have no physical Temple, yet Elohim has always looked for the heart of His people to be the place of His dwelling, and we tend to forget that the heart requires every as much preparation as did the Temple of old.
Do we prepare our hearts with the best which we have, or do we take the leftover, that which is worn out and tarnished and attempt to construct a place for His glory to reside? I know that the willingness to observe outward signs of worship is far easier to muster than the heart-felt resolve to worship Elohim in spirit and truth – in fulfilling the mitzvot of love and forgiveness, or of refraining from “lashon hara”, remaining faithful to what we know is true! We must take His Word seriously and act upon it, utilizing the strength He gives to obey what He commands.
We must come to His Word with a humble and contrite spirit, ready to learn, to listen. We cannot come with our mind and heart already certain that nothing more can be learned. His Word contains the very instructions by which He intends us to construct for Him a Tabernacle/Temple in which He will dwell, a place where we will commune with Him.
So important is this Temple that we must constantly be building it – preparing it and making it fit for His rest. Anything that soils it or makes it inappropriate for His Presence must be removed from our lives and declared as unbecoming a child of Elohim whose primary goal in life is to have on-going communion and friendship with the Creator.
In I Kings 6:11-14, we have Elohim’s requirements for us and His promise toward us: The requirements for us are; live according to His regulations, follow His rulings, observe His commands, and live by them. His promise to us is that He will live in us, and He will never abandon us.
It's time for us to finish building the House of Elohim in us. His Word has to be our priority, then we will walk in “The Way” and He will be our Father, and we will be His chosen treasure!
Shabbat Shalom Mishpocha,
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This is the day Adonai has made so let us rejoice and be glad in it! This is His appointed Day so please do not forsake it as some will do in the last days. He is waiting for you…what else could be more important? Who else could be more important? May His peace rest upon you as you walk in obedience to His Word. See you at the altar!
Shalom Aleichem